Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Jose Rizal and the Revolution free essay sample
Jose Rizal and the Revolution. Question: What was Rizal’s job in the Philippine Revolution? It isn't unexpected to see messages about the suffering of their most praised saint Dr. Jose Rizal (b. 1861 †d. 1896) , when we open the pages history books in the Philippines. The national upset that the Philippines had from 1896 to 1901 was one period when the Filipino individuals were generally joined together, generally included and generally energetic to battle for one thing that they have been merit opportunity. In spite of the fact that all parts of Rizal’s short however important life was at that point investigated by history essayists and biographers, his association in the Philippine Revolutions despite everything stays to be a delicate and new subject. His works to a degree had a major influence in the Philippine Revolution. Students of history can't deny that Rizal had a principle impact in the country’s battle for changes and autonomy. His compositions had woken up the Filipino individuals and pushed them to make a move against the Spanish. We will compose a custom article test on Jose Rizal and the Revolution or on the other hand any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Particularly ‘Noli me Tangere’ and ‘El Filibusterismo’. Summing up ‘El Filibusterismo’ it is a tale about a man, Crisostomo Ibarra, who was wrongly denounced by the Spanish government and was sent away. He comes back to the Philippines as Simoun a rich gem specialist with a facial hair and blue colored glasses. He looks for vengeance against the Spanish Philippines System who was answerable for his incidents and plots an insurgency against them. These books were seen as managing power for different loyalists to energize for the country’s cause. â€Å"You must shatter theâ vaseâ to spread its aroma, and destroy the stone to get the flash! â€Å"-(Noli me Tangere). There are no despots where there are no slaves. (El FIlibusterismo). â€Å"The glory of saving a nation isn't for him who has added to itsâ ruin†. (El Filibusterismo) The language that he utilizes in his books are generally extremely solid and motivating. Albeit numerous students of history trusted Jose Rizal committed his life and work s for the reason for the upset and regarded him partially, a fearless antiquarian rose up and conflicted with the tide, and said that Jose Rizal didn't lead the upheaval nor was he a genuine pioneer. Teacher Renato Constantino expressed that Jose Rizal was not a pioneer of the Philippine Revolution but rather was against it. In the pronouncement of fifteenth December 1896, Jose Rizal routed to the Filipino individuals that if the arrangement of the upheaval went as far as anyone is concerned he would contradict it in light of its difficulty and his ability to smother the insurgency. He accepted that changes could be made without viciousness. Rizal believed that these were crazy in view of its criminal techniques. As the informed man he was raised to be, he accepted that changes must originate from above (social class) and that the individuals who are underneath are â€Å"shaky, unpredictable and uncertain†. This conviction prompted his shortcoming of not understanding his kin. He didn't identify with them and subsequently he accidentally thought little of the limit of those from underneath to force changes and changes. It would be justifiable that he thought of such on the grounds that he was from that class and the main motivation behind why he restricted the transformation was on the grounds that â€Å"violence ought not prevail†. All in all, he didn't lead the upheaval yet his works led to the unrest as it was an eye opener to the Filipino individuals. Without these compositions, the Filipino individuals would not have woken up and gone to bat for their nation. As it's been said in the Philippine National Anthem â€Å"Ang mamatay lang dahil sayo†(To pass on for you) Websites: http://www. joserizal. ph/in01. html http://www. joserizal. ph/no01. html http://www. joserizal. ph/bg01. html http://asms. k12. ar. us/classes/humanities/worldstud/97-98/imper/philippines/spanish. HTM http://en. wikipedia. organization/wiki/El_filibusterismo Books: Noli me Tangere †Jose Rizal El Filibusterismo †Jose Rizal The First Filipino, A memoir of Jose Rizal †Leon Ma. Guerrero (1963) Jose Rizal-Gregorio F. Zaide and Sonia M. Zaide (1997)
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Justice Process
During the previous 30 years the jail populace has changed. 1. There has been a significant Increase in the quantity of African American and Hispanic American Inmates. 2. More Inmates originate from urban regions. 3. More prisoners have been indicted for medicate related and fierce offenses. 4. Previous road posses pull together inside detainment facilities and have brought levels of savagery up in numerous establishments. 5. The ascent of open representative associations have improved working conditions, security methodology, and preparing. E. Current focal point of amendments has moved to wrongdoing control, which underlines the Importance of Incarceration.II. The Goals of Incarceration A. Three models of detainment have been conspicuous since the mid 1 backtalk: 1. The custodial model †in light of the supposition that detainees have been imprisoned for the assurance of society and stresses security, control, and request subjecting the detainee to the authority of the superint endent.. This model was common in rectifications before World War II and overwhelms most greatest security Institutions today. 2. The recovery model †created In the asses, It accentuates treatment projects to change the guilty party. 3.The reintegration model †inked to the structures and objectives of network adjustments, it stresses keeping up wrongdoer binds to family and network. B. Restorative establishments that fit in with every one of these models can be found, yet most detainment facilities are chiefly custodial. Sick. Association for Incarceration A. Measurements 1. Penitentiaries are worked by every one of the 50 states and the national government. 2. There are 1,208 restriction offices; 85 % are controlled by the states. 3. 84 % of the offices are for men as it were. 4. 8% are for ladies as it were. B. Government Bureau of Prisons 1.Jurisdiction of bureaucratic criminal law is confined to wrongdoings including interstate amerce, certain genuine lawful offenses, for example, bank theft, infringement of other administrative laws and violations perpetrated on bureaucratic property. 2. Since the â€Å"war on drugs†in the asses, medicate wrongdoers in government detainment facilities make up about 56% of the prisoner populace. 3. Government detainees are regularly an increasingly complex type of criminal, from a higher financial class, than the ordinary state detainee. 4. Government condemning rules have expanded the likelihood of detainment considerably. 5.The authority of jail is exceptionally brought together with a staff of more than 33,000 who oversee in excess of 150,000 detainees. . The authority works 104 repression offices (see figure 10. 1). C. State Prison Systems - 94% of guilty parties are held in control offices worked by the state; organization of detainment facilities is an element of the official branch. 1 . The all out limit of a state's detainment facilities mirrors the size of the state's populace. 2. States differ s ignificantly in the number, size, type, and area of remedial offices. 3. More than 435,000 individuals work in state organizations. V. The Design and Classification of Prisons A. Structure follows work: the plan of a structure should fill its need. 1. During the prison time, establishments were to advance retribution. 2. At the point when jail industry turned into the center, an alternate plan upgraded the proficiency of workshops. 3. At the point when discipline held influence, accentuation was on the fortification like structure that guarantees security. 4. During the restoration period, new detainment facilities were worked in styles thought to advance treatment objectives. B. The present plan †There are four fundamental models found in America's detainment facilities. 1.Radial Design: Eastern, Auburn, Leavenworth, Roadway, and Trenton. 2. Utility pole Design: most regularly utilized for greatest security detainment facilities: Exaggerator, Marion, Somers, Jackson. 3. Patio Style: mother of the more up to date offices are the yard style. 4. Grounds Style: since a long time ago utilized for adolescent or ladies' offices 5. Today jail development is extraordinarily affected by cost. C. Area of Prisons: As before, most are situated in provincial regions. 1. Despite the fact that most jail detainees originate from urban communities and reintegration has been the prime restorative objective, new establishments are as yet being worked in the open country. . Rustic whites are employed to monitor urban blacks. 3. Numerous residents accept that genuine wrongdoers ought to be detainment, yet not in their locale (NIMBI disorder). 4. Some monetarily discouraged zones have chosen detainment facilities to get Jobs and evangelist the neighborhood economy D. Order of Prisons: 1. Greatest Security Prison †shut care jails hold 35% of detainees); typically a marvelous building with high stone dividers studded with watch towers; intended to forestall get away and to stop detainees from hurting one another. 2.Medium Security Prison: hold 47% of detainees; remotely they take after the most extreme security jail, however composed on an alternate premise and environment is less unbending and tense. 3. Least Security Prison: holds 18% of detainees, the least vicious guilty parties; needs tower monitors and dividers. E. Private jails participant with privately owned businesses to outfit food and clinical administrations, instructive and professional preparing and different administrations. 3. Presently, governments employ companies to house detainee in exclusive offices. 4. By midyear 2003, a sum of 94,361 detainees were being held in private offices. . The private jail business is overwhelmed by the Corrections Corporation of America and Hackett Corrections Corporation. 6. Issues with private offices a. Contrasts in programming b. Costs c. Responsibility d. Legitimate issues 7. Adjustments is a multimillion dollar government-supported venture that b uys applies, materials, and administrations from the private segment. 8. Private business visionaries contend that they can manufacture and run penitentiaries in any event as successfully, securely, and empathetically as any degree of government can, at a benefit and a lower cost to citizens. 9.Private jail partnerships need to dispatch their cells so as to be gainful. 10. Risk of Guards?the U. S. Preeminent Court said that private jail monitors didn't have legitimate assurance under Section 1983 and are completely obligated for their activities when they disregard a secured right. 1 . There are fears that the private enterprises will press to keep up high inhabitance and will be keen on skimming off the best detainees, leaving the problematic ones to the open remedial framework. V. Who is in Prison A. Information on the qualities of detainees is restricted (figure 10. ). 1. A larger part of detainees are men matured of 25-44 2. Individuals from minority bunches 3. Around 40 percent have not finished secondary school. 4. 44 percent of detainees are rearrested with the primary year of discharge. 5. Inside 3 years, around 25 percent of all discharged detainees will come back to jail. B. Old detainees †An expanding number of jail prisoners are more established than 55 and eve lodging, clinical, program, and discharge administration needs that contrast from the In everyone, unique lodging housing normal prisoner. 1. Ought to be made. 2.The old are bound to create interminable sicknesses, for example, coronary illness, stroke, and malignant growth. 3. Jail work assignments must be custom-made to accommodate their physical and mental capacities. 4. Groundwork for discharge to network oversight or to hospice administrations require time and unique endeavors. 5. As individuals get more seasoned they become less perilous. C. Detainees with HIVE/AIDS: In the coming years, AIDS in expected to be the main source of death among guys matured 35 and more youthful; with 57% of the prisoners populace under 35, remedial authorities must adapt to the issue of HIVE. . In 2001, there were in excess of 24,000 HIVE-positive prisoners (3. 2 percent of the jail populace). 2. The high pace of disease among detainees can be clarified by the detainees' â€Å"high risk†practices. 3. Just 18 states test every single new detainee for HIVE. D. Intellectually Ill Prisoners: Mass closings of open medical clinics for the intellectually not well started in the asses; new antispasmodic drugs made treating patients in the network appear retirement possibly works if the medications are taken and facilities and asylums exist to help the intellectually sick. . Vagrancy is the most open indication of the absence of projects for the intellectually sick. 3. With the extension of detainment facilities and more prominent accentuation on open request offenses, capture and imprisonment have become the cost many compensation for their ailment. E. Long haul Inmates †mo re detainees carry out long punishments in the US than in some other Western country. 1. Brutal condemning arrangements of the last 30 years?three-strikes, compulsory essentials, truth-in-sentencing?the measure of time venerated is expanding. 2.An evaluated 11-15% all things considered (well more than 100,000) will serve over 7 years in jail. 3. Long haul detainees by and large are not seen as control issues. 4. Executives must discover methods of making long haul jail life decent. 5. 310,000 detainees are at present carrying out in any event multi year punishments. 6. Every lifelong incarceration costs citizens an expected $1 million. 7. Serious melancholy, sentiments of misery, and other medical issues are normal among long wavers. 8. Long haul prisoners are accused of less disciplinary infractions that transient detainees.
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
Generating and Pitching Story Ideas
Generating and Pitching Story Ideas With the ubiquitous presence of the Internet, coming up with story pitches and finding out where to pitch them has never been easier. There are publications for just about any hobby, industry, quirk, fetish, subculture and subject you could possibly think of. And resources abound for reaching them.Unlike assignments, with pitches you get to propose writing about something you choose. So think about what you would like to write aboutâ€"stamp collecting? Minorities in the construction industry? Your personal experience with heartbreak? Whatever the subject is, you should be ready to research it, interview people about it and spend a lot of time thinking about it.Nothing new under the sunOf course, whatever it is youve thought of pitching, chances are its been written about before. So you have to find out where and how. Lexis-Nexis, usually available at the local library, is an excellent way to research articles on a certain subject. Google searches on the Web or archive searches on reg istered websites for major publications (which is usually free, although pulling up the archived stories in full may not be) can also give you a reasonable body of material. And plenty of websites with articles on that subject will pop up for free. Also check for organizations that relate to that topic, because they often list articles as well.Shape your pitch with a new angleYou dont have to search for every story written on the subject since the dawn of time. Lets say its a pitch about women in the construction industry. Dont worry about the articles written on this subject that date back more than five years ago. Thats ancient history in the world of publications. Youll probably find a good selection of stories written in major dailies and small weeklies within the past five years, but thats where the next tip comes in.Lets say you find that the New York Times has published a story about the struggles of women to succeed in the construction industry. Does that mean your pitch is already taken? Absolutely not. What it means is that you read the story, get a sense of what it did cover, and shape your pitch so that it will cover a whole new angle or idea that the Times story didnt. Did the Times story talk about women who faced discrimination and went on to own their own firms? Then think about interviewing women who dont own their own firms, but who operate cranes or weld iron. Youll look for women whose stories werent told by the Times. Even if the issue of discrimination is the same, every individuals story is different. Just as good literature offers new twists to old plots, so you can offer new twists to subjects of articles.Also, consider localizing a story for a local publication. Journalists for smaller hometown newspapers often take a story of national interest and apply it to their hometown readers. For example, the Atkins Diet is a nation-wide trend, but you could interview local bakeries about whether theyre losing business, and pitch the story to the editor of a local publication.Now you have to find publications to pitch your great idea to. Fortunately, its not nearly as tough as pitching your book to publishers. I pitched several stories successfully to the New York Times Money Business section via e-mail. This was made possible by nothing more than having the right name and e-mail address. A colleague had the email and name of the Money Business editor. I sent the guy an email with a story proposal that he accepted.Editors, especially at dailies, will be typically harried and easily distracted from strange e-mails. So you have to get straight to the point, while still being polite. Make it clear in the header that you are pitching a story about thus-and-so. Dont ramble on in the body; if the editor wants to know more about your credentials or history, he or she will ask for it. Just pitch the story, emphasizing why it would be something the publications audience will eat up with their coffee or lunch. I believe this top ic/angle/knowledge would be of great interest to your readers because…. Attaching your resume wouldnt hurt, and you can offer to send examples of your writing if the editor wants to follow up.You can also, of course, use snail mail. Be aware, though, that particularly busy editors may take more time to plow through stacks of envelopes than to browse their email inboxes.If there is a particular publication you want to work for, call their main number and ask for editorial. You should be able to find out fairly quickly whether they are accepting freelance articles or not. Checking the website for that publication may also answer the question.An excellent online resource for insider tips on pitching to specific publications is at mediabistro.com. It does require a paid membership, though registration to access job listings that may include freelance opportunities is free. The pitch tips feature a specific publication each day and tell you what the deal is.Take the time to read throug h a particular publication to get a sense of what kind of stories it wants. Editors find it very irritating to receive unsolicited pitches that arent appropriate for their publication. Dont assume! For example, I edit transportation stories for a weekly construction magazine. I look for stories about building major highways, bridges, rail systems and airports. If somebody sends me a pitch about manufacturing the next generation of clean-air buses, that means they didnt take them to glance through the magazine and realize that we dont cover that industry. The pitcher only saw the title transportation editor and made an assumption.That writer, however, could probably do a bit more research and find out that there are indeed several magazines that cater to the suppliers, builders and users of clean-air buses. The writer could also check out publications whose main audiences consists of concerned usersâ€"i.e. environmentalistsâ€"and pitch the story with emissions in mind. It will be a s lightly different pitch to the publication who caters to transit agency officials who buy the buses.When you show that youve taken the time to find out a little bit about a given publication and thus pitch it a story that would work for its readership, youre inherently advertising that youre a good journalist and writer who does your homework.
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